Take on the Amplified Fitness 4 week Fit for spring challenge!
Do you want to have more energy and look better naked? Cool Because we’ve formulated better way to burn fat and tone your body.
But here’s the coolest part of this thing… the results come FAST. In fact, the entire program lasts 4 weeks and the results are amazing.

The Details:
What do you get?
#1 Four weeks of personal training in our small groups + a weekly rapid fat loss menu plan. ($500 dollar value)
*If you are new to fitness training then you will be started in our beginners (not to be confused with easy) program.
#2 Four weeks of a done for you ready to go nutrition plans. You will be receiving a done for you ready to go non restrictive nutrition plan every week during this 4 week challenge. We will be optimizing the amount of calories, protein, carbs, fats and fiber to burn as much fat as possible during the 4 weeks.($300 value)
#3 Accountability-Our coaches and software keep you on track. The added motivation and accountability of working with a trainer is will take you to the next level or help you get started.
#4 Body fat testing. Our method is done using the inbody which is often found in prestigious medical and clinical applications. You can learn more about the inbody here.

Where: Amplified Fitness 9507 south 670 west Sandy Utah
When:Begins Monday April 3rd
Cost– $500 $115
When does the challenge start?
Training Starts Monday April 3rd
What is the Schedule?
5:30am. 6:00am, 9:00am, 5:30pm, 6:15pm.
Sat 9:00am
What will be Required of me?
We want you in our gym working with a trainer at least 3x/week optimally 5x/week and to follow the nutrition plan(Its easy to follow)
Who is this challenge for?
People from any fitness level can participate in this challenge.