June’s Member of the Month is Victor Vazquez! Congratulations Victor and thank you for being a valued member of our community.

Tell us how you got started and your experience.
I started attending Amplified fitness in 2014 when the gym I was attending wasn’t satisfying my needs (no strength work). I was introduced to Amplified Fitness through my sister, Stephanie. I remember the first day I came and spoke with Thomas. I saw Jeff, Kelly and Renata doing sled drags. The first words out of my mouth were, “I should be doing that!” That same day I attended the 6pm class. After that class, I was hooked based on the programming. It wasn’t just your regular “Crossfit Box”. I like that there is strength first and then there is a workout after. Not to mention, knowledge of proper nutrition. (Macros) After all, who wants to live on salads everyday? You all know what I mean.
The success and struggles you have been through at Amplified Fitness.
Struggles: My bench sucks. I know it’s a mental thing, I’m working on that. My successes… Just look at me now! What more can I say? 🙂 Well, on a serious note if you’d known me two years ago, I’ve lost a lot of weight and now I’m a stud muffin. Sorry, that was just for laughs. I do feel great and I have a lot of energy throughout my day. And with the physical job that I have, it makes my job easier to be fit.
How often do you attend classes at Amplified Fitness?
It varies with my job because I am often out of town. However, when I am home I attend 5-6 days a week to the point where I relate to this video if I’m asked to skip my gym time: http://youtu.be/x3fGtQV2PjE
Favorite movement(s)?
Cleans, deadlifts and squats.
Least favorite movement? Least favorite workout?
Toes to bars, simply because after 10-15 my form goes to “poop”.
Current goals?
Get ripped baby!!!!
Anything else you want to share about yourself:what you do for fun, what you do for work?
Fun: there’s not a lot of time for fun nowadays. I am a full time father as well as a small business owner. Definition of small business means you work many long days. But, it’s definitely worth it.
-Why you keep coming back for more?
When 6 pm hits, there is no other place I’d rather be than suffering with my friends, encouraging my friends and of course making gains with my friends. I keep coming back simply because I love you all.
What do you like most about Amplified Fitness?
My workout buddies and the programming.
What Would You Tell Someone That Was Considering Joining Amplified Fitness?
If what you are looking for is a friendly environment full of people that encourage you, a coach that is going to help you achieve your goals fitness and health wise; this is the place for you!