Kris Bowen Member of the month



A brief history at Amplified Fitness.

Tell us how you got started and your experience.


I reached out to Thomas March of 2012 and was looking for a lifestyle change. I wanted more consistency in my workout routine and become more educated on nutrition. I started with Thomas doing 1 on 1 training for I believe 18 months and was hooked after only a few weeks. I was shocked at how fast I was progressing not in just terms of weight loss but in strength.

The success and struggles you have been through at Amplified Fitness.

Success to me is that I’m still showing up every day and continuing to set new personal records. Over the past few weeks I’ve set over 7 new PR’s which to me is a huge accomplishment even after 3 years. My struggles have been consistency in my diet. I do eat a lot healthier overall but it’s something I need to improve.


How often do you attend sessions at Amplified Fitness?

4-5 days a week!


Favorite movement(s)? 

Squats, Box Jumps, Overhead Press & Squat Cleans


Least favorite movement? 

Sled Drags


Current goals? 

400 pound Squat, 250 pound Squat Clean


 Anything else you want to share about yourself: what you do for fun, what you do for work?

I love what I do for work so that is not only “what I like to do for fun” but also what I do for work. I’m a Real Estate Expert Advisor and I run a team of sales professionals and help buyers and sellers in the wonderful work of real estate.


-Why you keep coming back for more?

Setting new records, becoming stronger, faster and leaner!


What do you like most about Amplified Fitness?

The people. There are closer gyms to my house but the team synergy is special at Amplified. The friends I’ve made at the gym hold me accountable to be there every day.


What Would You Tell Someone That Was Considering Joining Amplified Fitness?

Not only do i feel great but I attribute a lot of my business success on the way I feel. I love to go in to the gym every morning, hit it hard and I ride a high that gets me through my day and I feel unstoppable. I frequently think of something that Thomas told me a couple years back when I’m in the middle of an intense workout. “Your mind will quit before your body will”.
Do this for a lifestyle change and get some accountability. Find out what YOUR body is really capable of doing and what YOU are capable of feeling like again.
By the way Kris is an Awesome Realtor and helped buy the owner of Amplified Fitness’ house.  You can check him out at