May Member of the Month

May’s Member of the Month is Tawni Holm!  Congratulations Tawni!  Being chosen as member of the month means a coach has spotlighted you because they’ve notice your incredible work ethic and value to you bring to our community.

tawni before and after

 A brief history at Amplified Fitness.

Tell us how you got started and your experience.

  • It had been a rough year. I felt like my life was mess and I needed to get it
    together. I was afraid of pretty much everything! A good mutual friend of mine and
    Thomas tagged me in post on Facebook that Thomas had created. He was looking for a
    Massage Therapist on trade for Personal Fitness training. To be honest, I was scared
    shitless! But I knew it was time to get over myself. I had become my own worst enemy,
    and it was time to get up and conquer. I reached out to Thomas, and here I am loving
    every minute!

    The success and struggles you have been through at

    Amplified Fitness?

    In the beginning, it was a real struggle for me. I had so much anxiety over
    working out and being around everyone that I feel like I would wear myself out before
    the work out even started! I got a good look at myself. And although it was depressing at
    times, it was also very motivating. I knew that if I could overcome my own thoughts of
    defeat, I could do anything. And I’ll tell you what -when everything goes wrong, go lift!!
    My successes have been welcome rewards. Before, 200 meters felt like it might as well
    have been 100 miles. Now, it’s nothing! I love running. I used to have a lot of back pain
    and seemed to always have a headache no matter what I did. Now, I rarely have these
    pains. One of the biggest successes though, is my mental dialogue. I find myself
    enjoying my thoughts and find that it’s much easier to let the small stuff go.
    *Tawni and her coach Thomas
    me and tawni fb

    How often do you attend sessions at Amplified Fitness?

    I attend anywhere between 3 and 6 classes a week. My average is 4.5.
  • Favorite movement(s)?

    A favorite moment comes often here. It’s hard to pick just one. I love it whenever
    I see someone else succeed. The culture is amazing at Amplified, and the people and
    trainers here definitely make it that way. It is a place to over-come what limits you. So,
    yes, you can see where that would make it hard to pick just one favorite moment.

    Least favorite movement? Least favorite workout?

    I couldn’t say. I find that it very much depends on my energy levels coming in to
    the gym. I have discovered though, that if I am having a rough day, it helps to not look at
    the work out before I get there. Once I’m there, I’m committed, and its too late to back
    out. Besides, even if I hate it, once its over and I’m pumped with endorphins, I’ll love it
    again anyway, right?

    Current goals?

    My current goal is to loose 10lbs of fat, while keeping the muscle I’ve gained. I
    love food! So, that can be a little challenging. But as every successful person has told
    me, see nothing but your target. I also am starting a new way of eating that severely
    limits my processed foods, and refined sugar intake. This starts May 8
    . Wish me luck!

    Anything else you want to share about yourself: what you do

    for fun, what you do for work?

    I really enjoying hiking and camping. I love to be outside. I also really enjoy
    learning about the human body. I am continually fascinated by how unique it is. I enjoy
    spending time with my dog. She makes my world spin and I can’t imagine life without
    her. I enjoy helping people get out of aches and pains too. I’m like that chronic-helper. I
    love it!
  • I work in a trucking office full time (gotta keep that health insurance!) and spend a
    lot of time through the week massaging clients and learning new things about the
    human body.

    -What keeps you keep coming back for more?

    The people. The friends Ive made, and the trainers here. I cant express my
    gratitude enough for you guys! Having someone believe in you when you don’t believe
    in yourself is a rare gift. I love the challenge. I love challenging what I think I can do,
    because all around me there are people here that are doing just that, and that makes it
    easier to believe its possible for me.

    What do you like most about Amplified Fitness?

    I love that it’s a place to conquer resistance and beat your demons. The
    successes I experience in the gym are contagious and they follow me out the door. I
    love that!

    Would you rather drag a 200lb sled up a 10 mile hill or have to stop and immediately do 5 burpees every time someone said your name for the next month?

    Am I being punked?! No, kidding. I’d take the sled drag. Can you imagine the
    bragging rights?!

    What Would You Tell Someone That Was Considering Joining

    Amplified Fitness?

    I would congratulate them on being a cut above the rest, because that is truly
    what I have seen happen here. If you walk in those doors, and commit yourself, you
    cannot help but succeed. You will always have someone that believes in you, you’ll
    never be alone, and the friends you’ll make are royalty. Living the Amplified Life is a
    good life. Also, there’s a gym dog. I mean, come on! How could it get any better?