I want to give our Amplified Family member Kasey a quick spotlight! I saw that her baby turned 1 a couple days ago and it made me reflect on her dedication to fitness, despite having a small child to take care of. I am posting this because I think she’s a great example and inspiration to other moms and the soon to be moms out there.

I remember her texting me she won’t make it to the gym cause she’s in labor. And then as soon as she hit her 6 week recovery period getting a text message from her asking if it was ok to come back and train and she hasn’t slowed down since!

In that year she has gotten in the best shape of her life, consistently hit the gym, competed in two powerlifting competitions and a bike race.
*Kasey’s latest body composition results, 1 year after having her baby. 14% bodyfat ad increased muscle, wow!

*Kasey deadlifting at a powerlifitng competition.
I’ve been training with Kasey for 4 years now and its been really fun and rewarding to watch her fitness growth and seeing her baby grow up the past year. She’s definitely a Strong mama!
*Kasey’s baby shower at Amplified Fitness!

*Here is a photo of Kasey and I after she won best lifter award at the Utah APF powerlifting Championships in Dec 2016. There’s no stopping this Strong Mama!
O ya almost forgot we did a team triathlon together this is where I saw her baby walking for the first time 🙂