June’s member of the Month is Cody Hansen!

Congratulation’s Cody, this means a coach has noticed your incredible work ethic and the value you bring to our community.
Which charity have you chosen for Amplified Fitness to donate to and why?
Primary Children’s hospital, to make a long story short while working for one of the ambulance companies I did, we had a last minute transport to take a 4 year old special needs boy dying from brain cancer to the hospital and I had to wear a hulk mask provided by the hospital to make the little guy feel safe during the transport. He passed away a week later but the love and care that hospital showed and has shown even to my kids has always been absolutely outstanding!
A brief history at Amplified Fitness. Tell us how you got started and your experience.
I got interested in the gym and I exchanged a few emails with Mr. Thomas Grove and by time I made it in ( when I finally grew a pair!), little did I know what exactly I was walking into and dragged myself out of the gym after my first workout and wanted more!
The success and struggles you have been through at Amplified Fitness?
First it was being consistent… we never had the fancy stuff you see now, the wod was written down on whiteboards and you never knew what the workout was until you came in (we’re all spoiled rotten now!) but being consistent with the workout and showing up every day until I finally made it a priority to show up more than 3 times a week. My nutrition has always been a struggle because dammit I love food! But I’m dialing it in thanks to the guidance of our kick ass coach and the kitchen at 1% fitness!
How often do you attend sessions at Amplified Fitness?
I do my best to attend 6 sessions a week but with the push of my little manndelion it’s been 7 days a week unless I get really really knock me in my big a$$ sick!
Favorite movement(s)?
I love lifting! I’m not smart but I can lift heavy things haha! Any of the lifting I absolutely enjoy especially power cleans and bench press!
Least favorite movement? Least favorite workout?
Everyone’s least favorite the burpee! Honestly any workout with running only because this is a whole lotta love shuffling haha
Current goals?
To burn More body fat and to improve on the things that are considered a goat! And to beat the manndelion one day! The boys an animal!
Anything else you want to share about yourself: what you do for fun, what you do for work?
I worship Satan during my time at home and collect stamps.. totally kidding but my time is spent with my fiancé and kids anytime with them is fun, spending time with family and adventuring out and about exploring old ghost towns or old building and seeing the world! I do industrial and commercial electrical work so I get to work with all the big scary stuff that goes boom when you screw up! Also part of the wattsmart energy alliance for the power company. I should be paid for all the sh*t talking I do I’d be rich!
-What keeps you keep coming back for more?
Everything ! The coaching the atmosphere the people and because I enjoy pain and humiliation and it’s cheaper than a bondage session haha
What do you like most about Amplified Fitness?
I love the atmosphere here the wod regardless of what it is and the people I surround myself with here! They are all big motivating factors in the equation and help guide and inspire me.
Would you rather do 1 wall ball every minute on the minute for 48 hours straight or assault bike 20,000 calories?
I’d sattle up and ride the bike to the breaks of Valhalla!
What Would You Tell Someone That Was Considering Joining Amplified Fitness?
It’s ok to be intimidated by what you see but to go at it with an open heart and give it your damn best! Don’t be afraid to ask questions and don’t be afraid to laugh at how immature and inappropriate I am cause let’s face it we all know I’m a whole lotta fun!