September’s Member(s) of the Month is Sean Hancock! Congratulation Sean this means a coach has noticed your incredible work ethic and support you bring to the Amplified Family.
Tell us how you got started and your experience.
I joke about it sometimes(but its kinda true)It was Jan 1st. I was sitting on my couch with a bag of doritos and a cocktail in my hand. I had seen the challenge months before and started to sign up and decided to not.(probably out of fear). I received a text from Thomas that evening saying he was starting another 6 week challenge, I had no intention on responding. As I looked around and at myself, I said is this how/who you want to be? Absolutely not! I had always been into fitness and let my situation get the better of me. I wanted to be healthy and happy again. So I committed to the challenge that day and I never looked back! It has been the best experience to get to know all the amazing coaches and members, I wouldn’t change a thing!
Sean’s results in his first 6 week at Amplified!!

The success and struggles you have been through at Amplified Fitness?
My favorite day was when I got to hit that RX button for the first time! I had finally made progress. I struggled with having to modify workouts, I was always the athletic one and now I can’t even do the prescribed workout. But I stuck with it, I trusted the process, I believed In the coaches. I knew I would get there if I just kept showing up and giving everything I had, I left every workout feeling accomplished, even if I had to modify.
How often do you attend sessions at Amplified Fitness?
I Make it a point to go 5 days a week minimum. I love the Saturday workouts so I attended them if I’m not working. I love them for the team aspect, and how it pushes you to do more, but you also get to see more of the members that you don’t get to see all the time. I actually get a little upset when I have to miss a Saturday, haha.
Favorite movement(s)?
My favorite movement, Gosh…do I have to pick one… lol. I like it all…except one… I like the feeling of knowing you are making progress, so I enjoy them all, but if I have to pick one then I guess I would say bench.
*Sean and Coach Jami

Least favorite movement? Least favorite workout?
Hands down FRONT SQUATS!!! Hate em. But I still show up. Least favorite workout is a tie between Stacy’s Mom and King Leonidas, but again I’ll still show up if we are doing one of them.
Current goals?
Staying happy and healthy.
Being the best dad I can be to the best daughter in the world.
Do something I have never done, run races, do a spartan…
Climb Mt. Olympus (I know i missed out on this one with the gym fam) but I am still determined to do it.
Do more traveling
Read at least 1 book a month.
*Sean at the 2018 Utah Spartan super

Anything else you want to share about yourself: what you do for fun, what you do for work?
Hanging out with my daughter. Going to Amplified? I like working on vehicles, I’m no expert, but I know my way around a vehicle. I like heading out to Moab to do some off roading. I like hiking, biking, camping(even though my bike is broken right now). Basically anything outside.
I work as a Manager at Costco. Its not a glorious job, but it takes care of my needs.
-What keeps you keep coming back for more?
The people, the atmosphere. The friendships made. And a good challenge every day.
What do you like most about Amplified Fitness?
Would you rather do 500 burpees in a chewbacca costume or drag a 100lb sled 10 miles?
Wow, umm….I think I would pick the sled drag.(on a tarless road) haha.
Which charity have you chosen for Amplified Fitness to donate to?
I would like the donation to go to Npcf(National pancreatic cancer foundation). I know it may be insignificant to some , but it makes a huge impact for me. I lost 2 grandparents to this. Thank you soooo much.
What Would You Tell Someone That Was Considering Joining Amplified Fitness?
Just do it! There is such a great support system here and everyone wants to see you succeed. It will be the best experience you will ever have at any fitness facility.