September member of the Month(s)-Jeannie Moreno

Congratulation Jeannie for being chosen as member of the month.  This means a coach has spotlighted your excellent work ethic and the value you bring to our community.

A brief history at Amplified Fitness.

Tell us how you got started and your experience.

Like a lot of the members I responded to the 6-week challenge from an Instagram ad. I had seen others for other gyms, but for some reason I just clicked the right ad on the right day. It turned out to be right around the corner from my place so it was perfect. I spent so much time in gyms over the years and even worked at one, but after gaining a lot of weight my first year here in UT, I just finally realized that I would really need the help of a strong gym family to get back on top of stuff.

My first day was rough! I wanted to go to a class to orient myself before my challenge began and…OH…MY…GOD, I was like “what did I get myself into?” But once I actually got started the people and the culture you guys have created just made every workout so worth it.

The success and struggles you have been through at Amplified Fitness?

Probably my biggest successes to date have been, I can actually do a real burpee again (just the one though, don’t get crazy) and not dying after Stacy’s Mom (even though I did the novice version). Seeing improvement over the weeks in what I can do and how much I can get done in one workout has been such a great feeling.

The biggest struggle I had in the beginning aside from the obvious physical challenges was tracking the workouts. My goodness, I had the HARDEST time. Nutrition was a struggle and I know a lot of people said that it would be, but I was surprised that I never struggled with what I was eating, but rather how much of it. One of the worst weeks I had in terms of progress was when I had a really crazy week at work and I skipped meals just based on time and portions. Once coach Jami adjusted my meal plan, I felt better and I had no more issues there!

How often do you attend sessions at Amplified Fitness?

My job is pretty demanding so my goal during the challenge was to make it the 3 sessions per week. When I was able to I did 4 sessions.

Favorite movement(s)?

Squats (any kind) and KB swings.

Least favorite movement? Least favorite workout?

The assault bike and burpees.

Current goals?

My main goal is to continue to feel better, healthier and comfortable. Being heavy is very uncomfortable and even worse when you’re not active. My short term goal is to get back under 200lbs. Long term is to get to the point where I’m not longer at risk for health issues and I feel good about myself.

 Anything else you want to share about yourself: what you do for fun, what you do for work?

I am Director of Operations for a software startup. I uprooted myself and moved here from California to focus on me and my future. I have a lot of wonderful people that love me back home, but I had a tendency to put their needs before mine for a long time. When the opportunity to do something for ME and for growth presented itself I took it and I feel like I did that again by joining the Amplified fam!

-What keeps you keep coming back for more?

The people!!!! This includes the amazing coaches of course.

What do you like most about Amplified Fitness?

There is this unspoken “pay it forward” attitude that everyone there has. We’re not told that we’re required to support each other, to push each other or even help one another, but EVERYONE DOES!  Knowing how hard my first day and first week was, if I encounter someone new and they have that same look on their face that I’m sure I had, I always offer my help. And that’s because someone always helped me.

What donation have you chosen for Amplified Fitness to donate towards?

The wounded Warrior Project.

Would you rather do 500 burpees in a chewbacca costume or drag a 100lb sled 10 miles?

Oh the sled, 100%. LOL

What Would You Tell Someone That Was Considering Joining Amplified Fitness?

You won’t regret it!!!!